How Homepage Banner Sliders Can Help You Promote Your Brand Better

Seven years ago, slideshows were popular, but they quickly lost their charm and became outdated to other modern elements. However, they’re back with a bang! Today’s sliders are far more advanced than their predecessors. Sliders from big companies like SpaceX and Microsoft are prominent on their websites while having a modern style and are stunning. In addition to the eye-catching imagery — usually high-resolution photography — they also include well-written language, strategically placed CTAs, and other design elements that help to guarantee that the information presented on each slide is delivered at just the right moment for the intended audience.

In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Homepage banner sliders and how you can avail free sliders with Navigate Commerce for your digital store at no cost.

What Is A Homepage Banner Slider?

One of the most popular features, particularly on homepages, is a homepage banner slider. It’s essentially a slideshow with images, movies, and text that may either scroll automatically or be controlled by visitors.

These sliders can be placed anywhere on the website, but the homepage and landing page is ideal. It is done in order to increase traffic and conversion rates.

The first three slides are the most clicked, according to this study. As a result, you should constrain yourself to no more than three slides and devote your efforts to creating them to be interesting and engaging.

Keep in mind that sliders are particularly effective on product detail pages on ecommerce websites. They aid in the presentation of a product from several perspectives, bringing the online experience closer to that of a physical store.

Why Use A Homepage Banner Slider On Your E-commerce Site?

When it comes to homepage banners, it’s important to implement them after having a strategy in place. First, determine your website’s core aim. Then, explicitly outline your brand and how you intend to use sliders.

When sliders are used to improve your brand’s image, they may be an excellent approach to increase conversions and impress users. However, if they are hurriedly added to the page, they might be an unneeded distraction. As previously said, what works for one website may not work for another.

A homepage banner slider informs users about their alternatives and provides an overview, assisting them in deciding what action to do next.

There are numerous slider types to pick from. Some sliders, for example, display a slideshow that is activated only when the user clicks on a tab or button.

Benefits of Using Homepage Banner Sliders

Using homepage banner sliders or carousels to promote your brand and demonstrate your business philosophy is an excellent approach to do it. Here are some common benefits of using homepage banner sliders.

The Visual Appeal Of Homepage Banner Sliders

The primary benefit of adding a homepage banner slider to your e-commerce site is to beautify your homepage and instantly attract the visitor’s attention. The homepage of your site is the first impression a visitor will get of your brand, and it’s crucial to leave a lasting impact. A well-designed homepage banner design can help you achieve that.

Furthermore, as social media platforms have grown in popularity, human minds have become programmed to lean toward images. As a result, your website visitors would love to view more photographs, and a slider can assist you in accomplishing this without generating any problems.

Call-to-Action Buttons On Homepage Banner Sliders

The importance of call-to-action (CTA) buttons cannot be overstated. With a homepage banner slider on the site, you can not only display your best-selling products but also place CTAs in prominent locations. Better yet, positioning all of the CTAs above the fold is more advantageous. Diverting visitors’ attention to these buttons will be easy as a result, and you will get traction on other web pages.

Keeps Visitors Engaged With Homepage Banner Sliders

Another significant benefit of using a slider is that it helps capture visitors’ attention and keep them hooked for a longer time. If someone stumbles across your homepage, they may stay to see all of your slides. Also, consider scrolling through other pages. This is most likely if you keep your first slide elegant and appealing. Of course, your material must be compelling as well. It is strongly advised to use a good keyword tool for research and content creation.

Best E-commerce Product Display

Another important part of showing a slider on the homepage is informing your visitors about the things you have to offer. A slider can meet all of your needs, whether they are for a popular product or something you’ve just released. You can also use this feature to communicate current specials, offers, and discounts on your products. By using a homepage banner display, you can showcase some of the best products to visitors as soon as they visit the website, thereby increasing the chances of them staying and buying something from your e-commerce store.

Free Homepage Banner Slider by Navigate Commerce

The Navigate commerce Homepage Banner Slider module lets you set up banner sliders for your homepage. The Bannerslider will allow you to link landing pages and will be useful for your marketing initiatives.

The Navigatecommerce Homepage Banner Slider allows you to install and configure the home page to attract the attention of your clients and visitors and comes with quality extensions suitable for your website. Retailers can promote it and come up with creative ways to use it as a marketing tool by running sales campaigns.

Store owners can advertise products, and events, or simply set URLs to the related page in addition to sales and marketing activities. Store administrators can update the media, content, and text displays and track performance. Increasing client attention with inventive and appealing banner designs increases the likelihood of customer retention.